Staying Safe At Work

Staying Safe At Work

How Is A Chiropractic Adjustment Performed?

Brent Chapman

If you are suffering from a headache, you might try to apply a treatment to the area of your head that is experiencing pain. However, your headache might have nothing to do with your head and might instead be caused by a back problem that can only be treated through a chiropractic adjustment by a chiropractor. 

Your Initial Consultation

You will begin by discussing the headache that you are suffering from, and the chiropractor will go over your family history and will help you determine if there are any other reasons why you might be suffering from headaches. He will analyze your posture to determine if anything about it might be contributing to your headache. You may need to undergo an X-ray to have a full picture.

Types of Chiropractic Adjustments

There are different methods that can be used to perform the adjustment including crackless methods and methods that do involve cracking your back. Make sure to discuss the upsides and downsides of each approach so you can receive an adjustment that will be best suited for you. However, the general concept is the same. You will be asked to lie down on a table that is padded and designed for chiropractic adjustments. 

How the Chiropractic Adjustment Is Carried Out

A chiropractic adjustment is the use of a chiropractor's hands or an instrument to apply sudden force to a spinal joint. To receive the maximum benefits from this treatment and to avoid suffering injuries, you will need to have the treatment performed by a licensed chiropractor and you will not want to have the treatment carried out by an amateur. A chiropractor will also be able to help you understand whether a chiropractic adjustment is right for you.

The Experience of a Chiropractic Adjustment

The chiropractic adjustment is meant to push the joint through a full range of motion. This will not be painful but you might hear a sound as the treatment is being carried out. After a few adjustments, you will notice that your headaches have lessened and you might also experience less back pain. You might not have realized that your back experienced discomfort until after having this treatment carried out.

While you are receiving a chiropractic adjustment, you might experience flu-like symptoms. This is usually a sign that your body is reacting positively to the treatment and is not something to worry about. However, you should tell your chiropractor about any symptoms you experience.

Talk to your chiropractor to learn more about chiropractic adjustments


2024© Staying Safe At Work
About Me
Staying Safe At Work

After I started working at my dad's lumber yard, I realized that some of my lifting habits were hurting my back. I realized that I couldn't stand up straight without wincing a little bit, so I decided to talk with a chiropractor about the issue. The professional carefully evaluated my condition and told me that I needed to focus on healthier back habits. I was able to learn how to stay safe at work by wearing a back brace and focusing on my posture. I want you to avoid debilitating back pain, which is one of the reasons I made this blog.